Tuesday, October 16, 2007

To Change or Not to Change

That is the question.

As of right now, I'm sick of being a biology major. I don't like how they teach it, nor do I really like anything about it. I'm tired of studying my ass off for hours every night of the week to get average results that I'm not used to getting. Yes, true, I knew I wouldn't be the best at what I was doing and that's why they call it learning, but biology doesn't make me happy anymore. I cannot see myself working in a lab or teaching or continuing on to get a masters and whatnot in something that won't really be....me. Sure, I was good at it in high school, but just because I was good at it there doesn't mean I'll be good at it here.

So, I'm considering my options. 1. Nursing. 2. English. 3. Sociology. The English would include a minor in photography or art.

1. Nursing. I know what you're saying. Isn't that the same thing as biology? Yes and no. I mean, yes I would be taking bio classes, but they would be more hands on, less bubbly bullshit then what I'm taking now. I'd be done and working in two years, and since nurses are in such high demand right now, I wouldn't have a problem finding a job. The upside is that every day holds the potential to have something different. You could never fully walk in the doors of a hospital and expect to have the same things happen that did the day before. The element of suprise, the rush. I think I would love it. But....

2. English. The possibilities with an English degree are almost endless. Journalism. Teaching. Working for a TV station. Theartre. Editing. I've loved books and writing since I was in elementary school. To me, writing is almost second nature. I don't have a probem putting things in to words. I love telling stories. And again, it wouldn't have to be the same thing every day. I could be out there writing for newspapers or magazines, or sharing my love of books and authors and writing styles with either students or the American public. Do you know how awesome that would be? It would be amazing.

3. Sociology. A chance to help people but in a different sort of way from the biology aspect. I could venture into social work, do research projects for companys, teach at a college. Although it's not as hardcore as my other two choices, it is something that comes easily to me. And interesting? For sure. Getting to study trends in various cultures, learning about different cultures, comparing and contrasting things....I don't think it could get any better then that.

So while biology did seem to be my bread and butter back in highschool, it wasn't the only thing I was good at. Like that time I had a 93 or better all four quarters in English? Why could that have been? Probably because it's something that I love and hold close to my heart. So why not take a chance and try something new. It's not being a failure. It's considering options.

Life changes. And throws you curves. It's how you deal with them that shows your true character.

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