Tuesday, October 23, 2007


are always the longest days of the week.
Granted, it's when I have labs and Spanish, but they always seem to drag by.
Today, in particular. I had a bio lab that easily could have been done in a half an hour, instead it took two. And after walking back in the rain to my dorm, I was so tired that I slept from 10:50-12:15. But even that short nap felt like I had slept most of the day away. So I took a shower and did some work and ate my lunch. Then, Spanish. The dreaded class of the day. It used to go by so fast and now it's just like 'tick.........tock.' I swear I always almost fall asleep. It doesn't help that the classroom is windowless and in the basement of the one building.
And for some reason...T-TH seemed to be plagued with rain. Like Mother Nature knows that I have to walk from one corner of campus to the complete opposite. And most times it's bright and sunny when I leave in the morning, yet an hour or two later it's pouring. Just....stupid.
But alas, soon I'll have Spanish 3 days a week for 50 minutes. And I will no longer have labs that make my bum numb from sitting for so long. So yay. Because I'm almost done.

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