Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Started...

this whole big entry and forgot about it for almost two hours.

So to sum it up:
Thanksgiving was good. Break was good. Home was good. Even work was good.

15 days until the semester is over. One down and 7 to go.

I'll miss it the whole month that I'm home....but it'll be good to pump up ye old bank account.

So overall:

I have no complaints. I'm pretty happy. Annnd...I'm gonna go to sleep.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Times Square Can't Shine As Bright As You

My pictures got all out of order, but I'm too lazy to fix them. So I'll just explain them all.

Radio City...self explanitory.

This fountain. However I retouched it from the original. Now it looks like there's fire in the water.

I support the stage hand strike!

This is Herman. He's 13 inches long. And really big. Also it confirms the 'once you go black you never go back' theory.

The group sitting on Carrie's stoop!

Katie, Caitlin, and I in O'Neil's Bar.

St. Patricks. One word. Love.

Rent & Phantom. The two musicals I hold most dear to my heart.

Not something you see every day. A plane flying into Newark. Right over us. Eek!


The Apple Store. I was hoping that it would have been opaque, can't win them all.

Friar Fuck! What?!

The Pleasure Chest....where our lives changed forever.

Ya know, I just fucking love New York.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Where Have I been?

Busy. That's where.

Today's the first day that I can actually sit down and type something intelligent. Yay!

So everything seems to be going well lately. My, um illness has finally been determined as nonexistant. So that's one less thing to worry about. Classes are going well. Except that profs seem to enjoy throwing out random things at the end of the semester. Not fun. I'm still trying to find another class for the spring semester but nothing seems to be open that I would be willing to take and actually wouldn't sleep though.

I'm really ready for Thanksgiving break. I added half a day onto mine so I'll be home Tuesday night not Wednesday night. And I'm working...20 hours. Yay! Sounds like the perfect break to me. But at least I'll get to help decorate for my favorite holiday of the year.....Christmas. Let the baking of cookies and such begin!

NYC tomorrow. So if I get any decent pictures I'll probably post a picture blog....looooook for that these pictures could be interesting!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hmmm Dashboard

Is there time
Is there time
To follow just one desire
Is there time
Is there time
To follow your heart.
Let's face it. Christopher Ender Carrabba
would be the only emo boy that I would ever go for.
Because his lyrics make me melt.
No matter what.
And, he's ungodly hot.

Monday, November 5, 2007

As I Sit Here

I'm still trying to figure out why those words popped out of my mouth. I don't think I meant them, and if it's not too late, I want to take them back. It's so typical of me, to have feelings for someone and when it comes down to it...I can't really tell them how i feel.

Here's the problem:
Before when I was in relationships, I wasn't in them necessairly for the connection, but more just to be in one. I was vulnerable when I was single and when I was with someone. So I didn't see the point of actually caring. And then....wham. I meet someone that I genuinely care about and I don't know what to do.

The truth is, I got scared. I still am scared. You aren't somebody that I want to lose. So that's why I put up the walls. I have no problem being perfectly honest and upfront about most things....but some things you just have to work at. It's not that I'm trying to be indecisive, believe me it's the last thing that I want to be. I'm afraid that if I let you go now or push you away one more time that you'll give up for good, and move on. And quite honesty I don't know if I'm ready for that.

But here's what I do know. I want you. And despite everything I've said, I want you right now. I'm not going to back out this time, I mean it. I'm afraid because this is something completely out of my hands, but if I can come to terms with that, it'll get better. And I won't be so scared anymore.

And I'm sorry that this isn't in person. And that it's a day later then it should be. But last night and all day today...I just couldn't stop thinking about what I said. And how horrible I felt, and still feel for it. And if you don't forgive me now then I understand....

but I want you to.

Remember Remember

the 5th of November.
Or. Don't.