Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Paige Got Me Thinking....

About New York City. And all the glitz and glam that surrounds it, when deep down it's no different than anywhere else. 

I'm a firm believer in the statement 'I Love NY' and I'll even go as far to say that 'I Fucking Love NY.' It is one city that has a special place in my heart, I've been there so many times and seen so much that it wouldn't be fair to consider it just one of my favorite places to go for the day.

So my history of NYC.

November of 1997: At the great age of 8, I took my first trip to the Big Apple. And it was, from what I remember, quite amazing. I went with my grandparents, my aunt, and some of their friends. I got a special outfit just for the occasion (with shoes that turned out to be disasterous for walking in the city) and we were off to see the Rockettes at Radio City before I knew it. My parents told me about beggars and street vendors before I had left, but as an 8 year old, you can't really comprehend that until you're forced to face to face. Within moments of stepping off the bus, people were trying to sell me watches and sun glasses, men on crutches were asking me for quarters. I was ready to pack it up and leave, but we started to walk around, and I became enchanted. We went everywhere, Central Park, Bryant Park, Times Square, St. Patrick's...you name it, we were there. When it was time to leave I was hooked, there was no way I'd stay away, that city stole my heart.

I've been there countless times since then. Some trips I can remember clearly, others not so much. I've seen some great shows, like Phantom of the Opera and RENT (twice!) and I've walked around more blocks than I ever would in any other city. I live for subway rides and the smell on the streets. I light my three candles in St. Patrick's every time I can. My face still lights up when I walk into Times Square at night. I live for the hustle and bustle that's going on all day and night. And I always leave feeling the same way.

I want to live in the city that never sleeps. I want to be able to live, breathe and taste the different cultures that blend seamlessly to form one working city. I want to live in the greatest city on Earth. 

But I've always been that way, wanting to get out of the corn fields and tractor towns and onto something bigger, better.

Hopefully I'll get there.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I am


Never, ever thought I'd do that.

But it was fun. :-)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

This Spring and Summer...

I'm going to wear lots and lots of plaid.

I'm slightly obsessed with it.

Yeah. Just a little bit.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Hate It

here so much.

You cant even begin to understand.

I'm ready to blow this popsicle stand. Fo real.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm Baccccccccccck

However, I don't exactly want to be back.

Never the less, this weekend was quite fantastic. I enjoyed every minute of it.

And on a side note:

I love being in love.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This Tension Is

so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
34 more days.