Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cherish these days

Enjoy every breath like it may be the last you your life.
And never look back, no never look back
Cause you wont regret why you cry.

I'm at home again this weekend, and I don't have to work or anything. It's a nice change, not having to worry about who I won't get to see because I'm working. I was so excited to come home this weekend, but I miss my LVC friends so much. It's hard to believe that you can become so close to people in such a short amount of time. They really are like my second family. And I miss my second home. I miss the smell of pop corn in Funk West third floor at all random hours. And people constantly talking. And bad food.

I'm worried about Christmas break already. I mean, a whole month without these people that I've become used to being around all the time. What will I do? It will be great to spend time with my high school friends, but let's be honest. The only two I really talk to a lot a lot anymore is Megan and Katelyn. And I know we'll always be there for eachother. But it's not the same. They don't understand the need to go to Mj's on a Monday night, or the fun of a random T. Hill run, or why going to Walmart on a Tuesday night is the best thing ever.