Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day Two (Technically 3 I guess) of College

So I'm finally here. And I guess it's a good feeling to be out on my own. It was a bit stressful with all the oritentation bullshit but other than that I'm having a great time. I'm glad that Aaron is here, it's good to have a familiar face to see around. And make noodles in my room at 1:45 in the morning.

I'm tired. But I'm not hungry. The food is pretty good here. And I've got a meeting tomorrow at 10:20.

Therefore I'm leaving. More to come once classes start.

<3 me

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nine Days To Go

This past week has been horrible on so many levels, I can't wait until it's over.
I'm tired of this rollercoaster ride. I don't want to deal with it anymore. Honestly, what do you want me to do? I have a feeling that I'm overannalyzing the situation and probably making it worse than it is but it's not like you're helping the situation much with some of the things that you say.
I'm ready to wave the white flag. I'm almost done, I really am.

I don't trust people easily. It's hard for me. It takes time. And now I just dont know.

But, the weather the past two days was amazing and I got some good picture time in.

That's about the highight of me week. Which, by the way is really sad.